Syntax Guide

A variety of parameters can be used to search for combos.

You can use a variety of parameters to search the combo database. No matter what parameter is used, capitalization will be disregarded, so a search of CARD:"BREATH OF" COLORIDENTITY:TEMUR RESULT:INFINITE is equivalent to card:"breath of" coloridentity:temur result:infinite.


Type card names or parts of card names directly into the search bar to find combos that use those cards. Writing a word in this way is equivalent to writing card:word.

Put the card name inside double quotes (") to restrict the search to card names that include the entire phrase, including special characters and spaces. For example, "Goblin King" will only find combos that contain the card Goblin King, while the search Goblin King without quotes will also find combos with both Goblin Bombardment and Darien, King of Kjeldor. Writing "words with spaces" in this way is equivalent to writing card:"words with spaces".

card operators

  • card:text searches for combos containing a card whose'name contains text
  • card=text searches for combos containing a card named exactly text
  • card<number searches for combos with less than number cards
  • card<=number searches for combos with less than or equal number cards
  • card>number searches for combos with more than number cards
  • card>=number searches for combos with at least number cards
  • card=number searches for combos with exactly number cards

card keyword aliases

  • cards

Card Type

You can search for combos that contain specific card types. For example, cardtype:land searches for combos that contain at least one land.

cardtype operators

  • cardtype:text searches for combos containing a card whose type line contains text
  • cardtype=text searches for combos containing a card whose type line is exactly text

cardtype keyword aliases

  • type
  • types
  • t

Card Oracle Text

You can search for combos that contain cards with specific oracle text. For example, cardoracle:draw searches for combos that contain at least one card whose oracle text contains the word "draw".

cardoracle operators

  • cardoracle:text searches for combos containing a card whose oracle text contains text
  • cardoracle=text searches for combos containing a card whose oracle text is exactly text

cardoracle keyword aliases

  • oracle
  • text
  • o

Card Keywords

You can search for combos that contain cards with specific keywords. For example, cardkeywords:indestructible searches for combos that contain at least one card with the keyword "indestructible".

cardkeywords operators

  • cardkeywords:text searches for combos containing a card that has the keyword text

cardkeywords keyword aliases

  • cardkeyword
  • keyword
  • keywords
  • kw

Card Mana Value

You can search for combos that contain cards with specific mana values. For example, cardmanavalue>10 searches for combos that contain at least one card with a mana value greater than 10.

cardmanavalue operators

  • cardmanavalue=number or cardmanavalue:number searches for combos containing a card with a mana value of number
  • cardmanavalue>number searches for combos containing a card with a mana value greater than number
  • cardmanavalue>=number searches for combos containing a card with a mana value greater than or equal to number
  • cardmanavalue<number searches for combos containing a card with a mana value less than number
  • cardmanavalue<=number searches for combos containing a card with a mana value less than or equal to number

cardmanavalue keyword aliases

  • manavalue
  • mv
  • cmc

Color Identity

Each combo has a color identity determined by the color identities of its cards. This strictly follows Commander color identity rules. By default, the color identity search finds all combos that a deck of that color identity could include. For example, coloridentity:bg finds two-color black-green combos, but also monocolor black, monocolor green, and colorless combos.

The coloridentity parameter accepts full color names (such as green), single character abbreviations (w, u, b, r, g, and c for colorless), and many color combination nicknames (boros, sultai, fivecolor, penta, etc.).

coloridentity operators

  • coloridentity:text or coloridentity<=text search for combos within text identity
  • coloridentity=text searches for combos whose identity is exactly text
  • coloridentity<text searches for combos within text identity but excludes combos whose identity is exactly text
  • coloridentity>=text searches for combos whose identity contains text
  • coloridentity>text searches for combos whose identity contains text but is not exactly text
  • coloridentity=number searches for combos whose identity has exactly number colors
  • coloridentity>number searches for combos whose identity has more than number colors
  • coloridentity>=number searches for combos whose identity has number or more colors
  • coloridentity<number searches for combos whose identity has fewer than number colors
  • coloridentity<=number searches for combos whose identity has number or fewer colors

coloridentity keyword aliases

  • color
  • colors
  • id
  • identity
  • ids
  • c
  • ci


A combo's prerequisites describe the game state required to start the combo. For example, prerequisites:text, searches for text in the prerequisites of combos.

prerequisites operators

  • prerequisites:text searches for combos that contain text in their prerequisites
  • prerequisites=text searches for combos that contain text as their only prerequisite
  • prerequisites=number searches for combos that contain exactly number prerequisites
  • prerequisites<number searches for combos that contain fewer than number prerequisites
  • prerequisites<=number searches for combos that contain number or fewer prerequisites
  • prerequisites>number searches for combos that contain more than number prerequisites
  • prerequisites>=number searches for combos that contain number or more prerequisites

prerequisites keyword aliases

  • prerequisite
  • prereq
  • pre


Steps describe how to execute the combo. For example, steps:text searches for text in the Steps field. Use double quotes if your search contains spaces (steps:"multiword text").

steps operators

  • steps:text searches for combos that contain text in their steps
  • steps=text searches for combos that contain text as their only step
  • steps=number searches for combos that contain exactly number steps
  • steps<number searches for combos that contain fewer than number steps
  • steps<=number searches for combos that contain number or fewer steps
  • steps>number searches for combos that contain more than number steps
  • steps>=number searches for combos that contain number or more steps

steps keyword aliases

  • step
  • description
  • desc


Results are the effects that occur as a result of completing the combo. For example, results:turns searches for combos that result in infinite or near-infinite turns.

results operators

  • results:text searches for combos that result in a feature whose name contains text
  • results=text searches for combos that result in a feature whose name is exactly text
  • results=number earches for combos that result in exactly number features
  • results<number searches for combos that result in fewer than number features
  • results<=number searches for combos that result in number or fewer features
  • results>number searches for combos that result in more than number features
  • results>=number searches for combos that result in number or more features

results keyword aliases

  • result

Spellbook ID

Commander Spellbook assigns a unique ID to each combo. Use spellbookid to search by this ID. For example, spellbookid:2120-5329 searches for a variant whose id is exactly 2120-5329.

spellbookid aliases

  • sid


Combos are tagged based on certain features. You can search these using is:tag, which is the only alias and operator supported.

Supported tags

Some tags are manually added to variants, meaning their support is always a work in progress. Other tags are applied automatically, so their support is complete and always up-to-date.

Automatic tags

  • preview/previewed/spoiler/spoiled: the combo contains an unreleased card
  • commander: the combo requires you to have a commander, so it will not work in most non-Commander formats
  • featured: the combo appears in the feature page, which usually displays combos using cards from a recent or upcoming set
  • reserved: the combo contains at least one card from the Reserved List
  • hulkline/meatandeggs: the combo is fetchable with Protean Hulk

Manual tags

The support for manual tags will be added in the future.


You can search for combos requiring a specific commander. For example, commander:text searches for combos that require a commander whose name contains text.

commander operators

  • commander:text searches for combos that require a commander whose name contains text
  • commander=text searches for combos that require a commander whose name is exactly text


You can filter and later sort combos by their popularity among EDHREC decklists. The popularity value is the number of decks containing the combo, and is updated regularly.

For example, popularity>10000 searches for combos that are present in more than 10000 decks.

popularity operators

  • popularity:number or popularity=number search for combos found in exactly number decks
  • popularity>number searches for combos found in more than number decks
  • popularity>=number searches for combos found in at least number decks
  • popularity<number searches for combos found in fewer than number decks
  • popularity<=number searches for combos found in at most number decks

popularity keyword aliases

  • pop
  • deck
  • decks


You can filter combos based on the total price of the cards it contains. For example, price<number searches for combos costing less than number US dollars, based on prices from CardKingdom.

price operators

  • price:number or price=number searches for combos whose price is exactly number
  • price>number searches for combos that cost more than number
  • price>=number searches for combos that cost at least number
  • price<number searches for combos that cost less than number
  • price<=number searches for combos that cost at most number

price keyword aliases and supported stores

For example, cardmarket>100 searches for combos whose component cards cost more than 100€ in total on Cardmarket.


You can limit results to your preferred Magic format with the keyword legal. For example, legality:format searches for combos legal in format. On the other hand, banned:format searches for combos not legal in format (either because of the format's banlist or its deck construction rules).

Supported formats

  • commander
  • pauper_commander (including combos that use up to one uncommon legendary creatures)
  • pauper_commander_main (only commons)
  • oathbreaker
  • predh
  • brawl
  • vintage
  • legacy
  • modern
  • premodern
  • pioneer
  • standard
  • pauper
  • banned:format_name: same as -legal:format_name
  • format:format_name: same as legal:format_name


You can search for combos that have multiple variants. For example, variants>1 searches for combos that have more than one variant.

variants operators

  • variants=number or variants:number searches for combos that have exactly number variants
  • variants>number searches for combos that have more than number variants
  • variants>=number searches for combos that have number or more variants
  • variants<number searches for combos that have fewer than number variants
  • variants<=number searches for combos that have number or fewer variants

variants keyword aliases

  • variant

Sort / Order
