Color Identity: B, R, G


  1.  All permanents on the battlefield.


  1. Activate
    Woe Strider
    Woe Strider
    by sacrificing
    Nether Traitor
    Nether Traitor
  2. Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper
    triggers, creating a 3/1 Graveborn creature token creature with haste.
  3. Resolve the
    Woe Strider
    Woe Strider
    ability, scrying 1.
  4. Activate the Graveborn token using the ability from
    Cryptolith Rite
    Cryptolith Rite
    by tapping it, adding ({B} magic symbol)  .
  5. Activate
    Woe Strider
    Woe Strider
    by sacrificing the Graveborn token.
  6. Nether Traitor
    Nether Traitor
    triggers, causing you to pay ({B} magic symbol)   to return it from your graveyard to the battlefield.
  7. Resolve the
    Woe Strider
    Woe Strider
    ability, scrying 1.
  8. Activate
    Nether Traitor
    Nether Traitor
    using the ability from
    Cryptolith Rite
    Cryptolith Rite
    by tapping it, adding one mana of any color.
  9. Repeat.


  1. Infinite colored mana.
  2. Infinite death triggers.
  3. Infinite ETB.
  4. Infinite LTB.
  5. Infinite sacrifice triggers.
  6. Infinite scry 1.


  1. In 13 decks according to EDHREC.