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Color Identity: U


  1. Displacer Kitten
    Displacer Kitten
  2. Sensei's Divining Top
    Sensei's Divining Top
  3. Mystic Forge
    Mystic Forge
  4. Artifact / Creature with "({T} magic symbol)  : Add Mana" that can tap upon ETB (Mana Rock)

Initial Card State

  1.  All permanents on the battlefield.


  1. Activate
    Sensei's Divining Top
    Sensei's Divining Top
    's second ability by tapping it, causing you to draw a card and put
    Sensei's Divining Top
    Sensei's Divining Top
    from the battlefield on top of your library.
  2. Activate the mana-producing artifact or creature by tapping it, adding at least ({1} magic symbol)  .
  3. Cast
    Sensei's Divining Top
    Sensei's Divining Top
    from the top of your library by paying ({1} magic symbol)  .
  4. Displacer Kitten
    Displacer Kitten
    triggers, blinking the mana-producing artifact or creature.
  5. Repeat.


  1. Infinite card draw.
  2. Infinite draw triggers.
  3. Near-infinite storm count.


  1. In 4259 decks according to EDHREC.

Variants of this combo
