Dockside Extortionist and Phyrexian Altar on the battlefield.
Your opponents control at least seven artifacts and/or enchantments.
({5} magic symbol) ({BR} magic symbol) available.
Activate Phyrexian Altar by sacrificing Dockside Extortionist, adding ({B} magic symbol) or ({R} magic symbol) .
Cast Disturbed Burial for its buyback cost by paying ({4} magic symbol) ({B} magic symbol) , returning Dockside Extortionist from your graveyard to your hand.
Dockside Extortionist enters the battlefield, creating a number of Treasure tokens equal to the number of artifacts and enchantments your opponent control.
Activate six of the Treasure tokens by tapping and sacrificing them, adding ({4} magic symbol) ({B} magic symbol) ({R} magic symbol) .