Color Identity: U

Initial Card State

  1.  All permanents on the battlefield.

Notable Prerequisites

  1. Any additional instant or sorcery card in hand.

Mana Needed

  1. ({2} magic symbol)  , plus enough mana to cast the instant or sorcery available.


  1. Cast any instant or sorcery by paying its mana cost.
  2. In response, activate
    Uyo, Silent Prophet
    by paying ({2} magic symbol)   and returning two lands you control from the battlefield to your hand, copying an instant or sorcery spell.
  3. Activate
    Walking Atlas
    Walking Atlas
    by tapping it, putting a land from your hand onto the battlefield.
  4. When the land enters the battlefield,
    Retreat to Coralhelm
    Retreat to Coralhelm
    triggers, untapping
    Walking Atlas
    Walking Atlas
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 one additional time.
  6. Activate those lands by tapping them, adding at least ({2} magic symbol)  .
  7. Repeat from step 2 any number of times.
  8. Resolve any number of copies created in step 2 and the original spell.


  1. Infinite copies of instant and sorcery spells on the stack.
  2. Infinite landfall.
  3. Infinite magecraft triggers.


  1. In 1331 decks according to EDHREC.