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the front side of Emet-Selch, Unsundered // Hades, Sorcerer of Eld
the back of a classic MtG card
the front side of Tidespout Tyrant
the back of a classic MtG card
the front side of Time Stretch
the back of a classic MtG card

Color Identity: U, B

Initial Card State

    Time Stretch
    Time Stretch
    in your graveyard.
    Emet-Selch, UnsunderedHades, Sorcerer of Eld
    Tidespout Tyrant
    Tidespout Tyrant
    on the battlefield (
    Emet-Selch, UnsunderedHades, Sorcerer of Eld
    on the battlefield as Hades, Sorcerer of Eld).

Notable Prerequisites

  1. You have at least thirteen cards in your graveyard.

Mana Needed

  1. ({8} magic symbol)  ({U} magic symbol)  ({U} magic symbol)   each odd-numbered turn, with ({1} magic symbol)  ({U} magic symbol)  ({B} magic symbol)   each even-numbered turn available.


  1. Cast
    Time Stretch
    Time Stretch
    from your graveyard by paying ({8} magic symbol)  ({U} magic symbol)  ({U} magic symbol)  .
  2. Tidespout Tyrant
    Tidespout Tyrant
    triggers, returning Hades from the battlefield to your hand.
  3. Resolve
    Time Stretch
    Time Stretch
    , causing you to take an extra turn after this one.
  4. Move to your first extra turn.
  5. Cast
    Emet-Selch, UnsunderedHades, Sorcerer of Eld
    by paying ({1} magic symbol)  ({U} magic symbol)  ({B} magic symbol)  .
  6. When
    Emet-Selch, UnsunderedHades, Sorcerer of Eld
    enters the battlefield, it triggers, causing you to loot.
  7. Move to your second extra turn.
  8. At the beginning of your upkeep,
    Emet-Selch, UnsunderedHades, Sorcerer of Eld
    triggers, transforming itself into Hades.
  9. Repeat.


  1. Infinite turns.


  1. In 0 decks according to EDHREC.

Variants of this combo
