Color Identity: C

Initial Card State

  1.  All permanents on the battlefield.

Mana Needed

  1. ({2} magic symbol)   available.


  1. Activate
    Basalt Monolith
    Basalt Monolith
    's first ability by tapping it, adding ({C} magic symbol)  ({C} magic symbol)  ({C} magic symbol)  .
  2. Activate
    Basalt Monolith
    Basalt Monolith
    's last ability by paying ({3} magic symbol)  .
  3. Rings of Brighthearth
    Rings of Brighthearth
    triggers, causing you to pay ({2} magic symbol)   to copy
    Basalt Monolith
    Basalt Monolith
    's last ability.
  4. Resolve the copy of
    Basalt Monolith
    Basalt Monolith
    's last ability, untapping it.
  5. Activate
    Basalt Monolith
    Basalt Monolith
    's first ability by tapping it, adding ({C} magic symbol)  ({C} magic symbol)  ({C} magic symbol)  .
  6. Resolve the
    Basalt Monolith
    Basalt Monolith
    ability from step 2, untapping it.
  7. Repeat for infinite colorless mana.
  8. Once you have infinite colorless mana, you can activate
    Sensei's Divining Top
    Sensei's Divining Top
    by tapping it, drawing a card and then putting
    Sensei's Divining Top
    Sensei's Divining Top
    on top of your library.
  9. Rings of Brighthearth
    Rings of Brighthearth
    triggers, causing you to pay ({2} magic symbol)   to copy
    Sensei's Divining Top
    Sensei's Divining Top
    's ability, drawing a card.
  10. Cast
    Sensei's Divining Top
    Sensei's Divining Top
    by paying ({1} magic symbol)  .
  11. Repeat from step 8 for infinite card draw and near-infinite storm count.


  1. Infinite card draw.
  2. Infinite colorless mana.
  3. Near-infinite storm count.


  1. In 17766 decks according to EDHREC.