Color Identity: W


  1.  All permanents on the battlefield.
  2. ({3} magic symbol)  ({WP} magic symbol)   available.


  1. Activate
    Mite Overseer
    Mite Overseer
    by paying ({3} magic symbol)  ({WP} magic symbol)  , creating two 1/1 Phyrexian Mite artifact creature tokens.
  2. The Phyrexian Mites enter the battlefield, triggering
    Soul Warden
    Soul Warden
    twice, causing you to gain two life.
  3. Activate
    Ashnod's Altar
    Ashnod's Altar
    twice by sacrificing the Phyrexian Mites, adding ({C} magic symbol)  ({C} magic symbol)  ({C} magic symbol)  ({C} magic symbol)  .
  4. Repeat.


  1. Infinite colorless mana.
  2. Infinite creature tokens.
  3. Infinite death triggers.
  4. Infinite ETB.
  5. Infinite lifegain triggers.
  6. Infinite LTB.
  7. Infinite sacrifice triggers.


  1. In 387 decks according to EDHREC.