Color Identity: B, R


    Infernal Plunge
    Infernal Plunge
    in your graveyard.
  2.  All permanents on the battlefield.
  3. You have at least three additional cards in your graveyard.
  4. ({R} magic symbol)   available.


  1. Cast
    Infernal Plunge
    Infernal Plunge
    for its escape cost by paying ({R} magic symbol)  , exling three other cards from your graveyard, and sacrificing Stiticher's Supplier.
  2. When
    Stitcher's Supplier
    Stitcher's Supplier
    dies, it triggers, causing you to mill three cards.
  3. Resolve
    Infernal Plunge
    Infernal Plunge
    , adding ({R} magic symbol)  ({R} magic symbol)  ({R} magic symbol)  .
  4. Activate
    Energy Refractor
    Energy Refractor
    by paying ({2} magic symbol)  , adding ({B} magic symbol)  .
  5. Cast
    Stitcher's Supplier
    Stitcher's Supplier
    for its escape cost by paying ({B} magic symbol)   and exling three other cards from your graveyard.
  6. When
    Stitcher's Supplier
    Stitcher's Supplier
    enters the battlefield, it triggers, causing you to mill three cards.
  7. Repeat.


  1. Infinite self-mill.


  1. In 3 decks according to EDHREC.