Color Identity: U


    Great Whale
    Great Whale
    in exile (
    Great Whale
    Great Whale
    exiled by
    Dino DNA
    Dino DNA
    Dino DNA
    Dino DNA
    on the battlefield.
  3. You control up to seven lands that can tap to produce at least ({6} magic symbol)  .


  1. Activate up to seven lands by tapping them, adding at least ({6} magic symbol)  .
  2. Activate
    Dino DNA
    Dino DNA
    by paying ({6} magic symbol)  , creating a token copy of
    Great Whale
    Great Whale
    that is a 6/6 Dinosaur.
  3. When the
    Great Whale
    Great Whale
    token enters the battlefield, it triggers, untapping up to seven lands.
  4. Repeat.
  5. If the up to seven lands can tap to produce at least ({7} magic symbol)  , this combo nets infinite mana.


  1. Infinite copies of cards exiled with
    Dino DNA
    Dino DNA
  2. Infinite creature tokens.
  3. Infinite ETB.
  4. Infinite mana lands you control can produce.
  5. Infinite untap of lands you control.


  1. In 19 decks according to EDHREC.