Sphinx of the Revelation does not have summoning sickness.
You have at least ({E} magic symbol) ({E} magic symbol) ({E} magic symbol) ({E} magic symbol) .
You control a mana-producing permanent that can tap to produce at least ({W} magic symbol) and a mana-producing permanent that can tap to produce at least ({U} magic symbol) .
Sphinx of the Revelation by paying ({W} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) , tapping it and paying at least ({E} magic symbol) ({E} magic symbol) ({E} magic symbol) ({E} magic symbol) , causing you to draw at least four cards.
Sheoldred triggers for each card drawn this way.
Resolve the first
Sheoldred trigger, causing you to gain 2 life.
Sphinx of the Revelation triggers, causing you to get ({E} magic symbol) ({E} magic symbol) .
Repeat from step 3 for each remaining
Sheoldred trigger.
Mind Over Matter by discarding a card, untapping
Sphinx of the Revelation.
Mind Over Matter by discarding a card, untapping a mana-producing permanent that can produce at least ({W} magic symbol) or ({U} magic symbol) .
Activate the permanent by tapping it, adding at least ({W} magic symbol) or ({U} magic symbol) .
Repeat from step 7 until you have ({W} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) available.
Repeat from step 1.
You may pay additional ({E} magic symbol) if able to net near-infinite card draw.
Infinite self-discard triggers.
Near-infinite lifegain.
Near-infinite lifegain triggers.
Infinite draw triggers.
Near-infinite card draw.
Near-infinite looting.
Near-infinite untap of permanents you control.
Near-infinite mana permanents you control can produce.