You have at least eight artifact and/or creature cards in your graveyard.
You control a basic Swamp and a basic Forest.
({3} magic symbol) ({B} magic symbol) ({B} magic symbol) ({G} magic symbol) plus enough mana to pay for commander tax if applicable available.
Aatchik either from your hand or from the command zone by paying ({3} magic symbol) ({B} magic symbol) ({B} magic symbol) ({G} magic symbol) plus commander tax, if applicable.
Aatchik enters the battlefield, it triggers, creating a 1/1 Insect creature token for each artifact and/or creature card in your graveyard.
Earthcraft twice by tapping two Insects, untapping a basic Swamp and a basic Forest.
Activate the Swamp and Forest by tapping them, adding ({B} magic symbol) ({G} magic symbol) .
Repeat from step 3 three additional times.
Temur Sabertooth by paying ({1} magic symbol) ({G} magic symbol) , returning
Aatchik from the battlefield to your hand.
If you have nine or more artifact and/or creature cards in your graveyard, this combo will net infinite untapped tokens and untap of basic lands you control.
Infinite LTB.
Infinite ETB.
Infinite storm count.
Infinite creature tokens.
Infinite mana basic lands you control can produce.