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Color Identity: W


  1. Together Forever
    Together Forever
  2. Ashnod's Altar
    Ashnod's Altar
  3. Creature with Mana Cost Equal to ({X} magic symbol)  

Initial Card State

  1.  Creature with Mana Cost Equal to ({X} magic symbol)   in hand.
    Together Forever
    Together Forever
    Ashnod's Altar
    Ashnod's Altar
    on the battlefield.

Mana Needed

  1. ({2} magic symbol)   available.


  1. Cast the artifact creature by paying ({1} magic symbol)  , causing it to enter the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter on it.
  2. Activate
    Together Forever
    Together Forever
    by paying ({1} magic symbol)  , targeting the artifact creature.
  3. Activate
    Ashnod's Altar
    Ashnod's Altar
    by sacrificing the artifact creature, adding ({C} magic symbol)  ({C} magic symbol)  .
  4. When the creature dies,
    Together Forever
    Together Forever
    triggers, returning the artifact creature from your graveyard to your hand.
  5. Repeat.


  1. Infinite LTB.
  2. Infinite ETB.
  3. Infinite sacrifice triggers.
  4. Infinite death triggers.
  5. Infinite storm count.


  1. In 2243 decks according to EDHREC.