Lands you control can tap to produce at least ({4} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) .
Activate any number of lands you control by tapping them, adding at least ({4} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) .
Turnabout by paying ({2} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) , untapping all lands you control.
Shipwreck Dowser enter the battlefield, they trigger, returning
Turnabout and
Ghostly Flicker from your graveyard to your hand.
If lands you control can tap to produce at least ({5} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) , this combo nets infinite mana. You can then stop casting
Turnabout and blink one other permanent using
Ghostly Flicker. You may also tap artifacts and/or creatures instead for mana if desired.