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Color Identity: R, G

Initial Card State

    Old Gnawbone
    Old Gnawbone
    Hellkite Charger
    Hellkite Charger
    on the battlefield.

Notable Prerequisites

  1. Old Gnawbone
    Old Gnawbone
    does not have summoning sickness.
  2. An opponent can not block
    Old Gnawbone
    Old Gnawbone
  3. An opponent can not block
    Hellkite Charger
    Hellkite Charger

Mana Needed

  1. ({5} magic symbol)  ({R} magic symbol)  ({R} magic symbol)   available.


  1. Move to your combat step.
  2. Attack with
    Hellkite Charger
    Hellkite Charger
    Old Gnawbone
    Old Gnawbone
  3. When
    Hellkite Charger
    Hellkite Charger
    attacks, it triggers.
  4. Pay ({5} magic symbol)  ({R} magic symbol)  ({R} magic symbol)  , adding an additional combat phase after this one.
  5. Old Gnawbone
    Old Gnawbone
    triggers for each creature that dealt combat damage, creating a number of treasures equal to the damage dealt with each trigger.
  6. Move to your additional combat step.
  7. Attack with
    Hellkite Charger
    Hellkite Charger
    Old Gnawbone
    Old Gnawbone
  8. When
    Hellkite Charger
    Hellkite Charger
    attacks, it triggers.
  9. Holding priority, activate seven Treasure tokens by tapping and sacrificing them, adding ({5} magic symbol)  ({R} magic symbol)  ({R} magic symbol)  .
  10. Repeat from step 4.


  1. Infinite colored mana.
  2. Infinite combat damage.
  3. Infinite combat phases.
  4. Infinite Treasure tokens.


  1. In 15081 decks according to EDHREC.