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the front side of Scourge of Valkas
the back of a classic MtG card
the front side of Rite of Replication
the back of a classic MtG card

Color Identity: U, R

Initial Card State

    Rite of Replication
    Rite of Replication
    in hand.
    Scourge of Valkas
    Scourge of Valkas
    on the battlefield.

Mana Needed

  1. ({7} magic symbol)  ({U} magic symbol)  ({U} magic symbol)   available.


  1. Cast
    Rite of Replication
    Rite of Replication
    with kicker by paying ({7} magic symbol)  ({U} magic symbol)  ({U} magic symbol)  , creating five token copies of
    Scourge of Valkas
    Scourge of Valkas
  2. The five
    Scourge of Valkas
    Scourge of Valkas
    tokens enter the battlefield, triggering each
    Scourge of Valkas
    Scourge of Valkas
    five times.
  3. Resolve all
    Scourge of Valkas
    Scourge of Valkas
    triggers, dealing at least 180 damage divided among a maximum of 30 targets.


  1. Near-infinite damage.


  1. In 1949 decks according to EDHREC.