Color Identity: R, G, W, U


  1.  All permanents on the battlefield.
  2. You control up to two lands that can tap to produce at least ({C} magic symbol)   if
    Agatha of the Vile Cauldron
    has power 2 or greater, or ({1} magic symbol)  ({C} magic symbol)   otherwise.


  1. Activate up to two lands by tapping them, adding at least ({C} magic symbol)  .
  2. Activate
    Eldrazi Displacer
    Eldrazi Displacer
    by paying at most ({1} magic symbol)  ({C} magic symbol)  , blinking
    Cloud of Faeries
    Cloud of Faeries
  3. When
    Cloud of Faeries
    Cloud of Faeries
    enters the battlefield, it triggers, untapping up to two lands.
  4. Repeat.


  1. Infinite LTB.
  2. Infinite ETB.
  3. Infinite mana lands you control can produce.
  4. Infinite blinking.
  5. Infinite untap of lands you control.


  1. In 4 decks according to EDHREC.

Variants of this combo
