Color Identity: G, U, R


  1. Flubs, the Fool
    Flubs, the Fool
  2. Intruder Alarm
    Intruder Alarm
  3. Hua Tuo, Honored Physician
    Hua Tuo, Honored Physician
  4. Creature with MV=0 and toughness=0


  1. Creature with MV=0 and toughness=0 in hand or in your graveyard.
  2.  All other permanents on the battlefield.
  3. Hua Tuo, Honored Physician
    Hua Tuo
    does not have summoning sickness.
  4. One of the creatures with mana value 0 must be in your hand, with the other being in your graveyard.
  5. You have no other cards in hand.


  1. Activate
    Hua Tuo, Honored Physician
    Hua Tuo
    by tapping it, putting the 0 mana value creature from your graveyard on top of your library.
  2. Cast the 0 mana value creature in your hand by paying ({0} magic symbol)  .
  3. Flubs, the Fool
    triggers, causing you to draw the 0 mana value creature that was put on top of your library.
  4. Resolve the creature spell cast in step 2, causing the creature to enter the battlefield and die as a state-based action due to having 0 toughness.
  5. Intruder Alarm
    Intruder Alarm
    triggers, untapping all creatures.
  6. Repeat.


  1. Infinite LTB.
  2. Infinite ETB.
  3. Infinite death triggers.
  4. Infinite storm count.
  5. Infinite untap of all creatures.
  6. Infinite draw triggers.
  7. Infinite mana creatures you control can produce.


  1. In 0 decks according to EDHREC.