Color Identity: B, G, U


  1.  All permanents on the battlefield.
  2. You control at least one creature that has a +1/+1 counter on it.
  3. You control at least one creature that can tap to produce at least ({1} magic symbol)  .
  4. You control at least one additional creature.
  5. Xavier Sal, Infested Captain
    Xavier Sal
    does not have summoning sickness.


  1. Activate a mana-producing creature by tapping it, adding at least ({1} magic symbol)  .
  2. Activate
    Xavier Sal, Infested Captain
    Xavier Sal
    's second ability by tapping it and sacrificing another creature, causing you to put a +1/+1 counter on a creature you control.
  3. Animation Module
    Animation Module
    triggers, causing you to pay ({1} magic symbol)   to create a 1/1 Servo artifact creature token.
  4. When the Servo enters the battlefield,
    Intruder Alarm
    Intruder Alarm
    triggers, untapping all creatures.
  5. Repeat.
  6. Once you have infinite +1/+1 counters on a creature, you may instead use
    Xavier Sal, Infested Captain
    Xavier Sal
    's first ability to get infinite copies of creature tokens you control.


  1. Infinite copies of creature tokens you control.
  2. Infinite creature tokens.
  3. Infinite death triggers.
  4. Infinite ETB.
  5. Infinite LTB.
  6. Infinite mana creatures you control can produce.
  7. Infinite proliferate.
  8. Infinite sacrifice triggers.
  9. Infinite untap of all creatures.


  1. In 38 decks according to EDHREC.