You have an additional three cards in your graveyard if
Frantic Search is in your graveyard.
You control up to three lands that can tap to produce at least ({1} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) .
You have cast at least one instant or sorcery spell this turn.
Mana Needed
({1} magic symbol) at most available.
Activate up to three lands by tapping them, adding at least ({1} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) .
Frantic Search either from your hand by paying ({2} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) , or from your graveyard for its escape cost by paying ({2} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) and exiling three other cards from your graveyard.
Thousand-Year Storm triggers, copying
Frantic Search for each instant or sorcery you've cast before it this turn.
Resolve the first copy of
Frantic Search, causing you to loot twice and untap up to three lands.
Holding priority, activate up to three lands by tapping them, adding at least ({1} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) .
Repeat from step 4 for each remaining copy of
Frantic Search.
Resolve the original
Frantic Search, causing you to loot twice and untap up to three lands.