Reins of Power by paying ({2} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) .
Holding priority, activate all mana-producing creatures you control by tapping them, adding at least ({U} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) .
Echo Mage by paying ({U} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) and tapping it, copying
Reins of Power twice.
Resolve the first copy of
Reins of Power, untapping all creatures you and target opponent control, and exchanging control of those creatures.
Resolve the second copy of
Reins of Power, untapping all creatures you and target opponent control, and exchanging control of those creatures, causing you to regain control of all the creatures you originally controlled.
Repeat from step 2.
If creatures you control can tap to produce at least ({1} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) ({U} magic symbol) , this combo nets infinite mana.
Infinite magecraft triggers.
Infinite mana creatures you control can produce.
Infinite mana creatures you control can produce for target opponent.