Color Identity: W


    Faith's Reward
    Faith's Reward
    in hand.
    Codex Shredder
    Codex Shredder
    Zuran Orb
    Zuran Orb
    on the battlefield.
  3. Lands you control can enter the battlefield untapped and tap to produce at least ({9} magic symbol)  ({W} magic symbol)  .


  1. Activate all mana-producing lands you control by tapping them, adding at least ({9} magic symbol)  ({W} magic symbol)  .
  2. Activate
    Zuran Orb
    Zuran Orb
    by sacrificing a land, causing you to gain two life.
  3. Repeat step 2 until you control no lands.
  4. Cast
    Faith's Reward
    Faith's Reward
    by paying ({3} magic symbol)  ({W} magic symbol)  , returning all permanents that were put into your graveyard this turn to the battlefield.
  5. Activate
    Codex Shredder
    Codex Shredder
    's second ability by paying ({5} magic symbol)  , tapping and sacrificing it, returning
    Faith's Reward
    Faith's Reward
    from your graveyard to your hand.
  6. Repeat.


  1. Infinite landfall triggers.
  2. Infinite lifegain.
  3. Infinite lifegain triggers.
  4. Infinite magecraft triggers.
  5. Infinite mana lands you control can produce.
  6. Infinite storm count.


  1. In 256 decks according to EDHREC.