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Color Identity: U

Initial Card State

    Unctus, Grand Metatect
    Tolarian Kraken
    Tolarian Kraken
    on the battlefield.

Notable Prerequisites

  1. You control a creature without summmoning sickness that can tap to produce at least ({1} magic symbol)  .

Mana Needed

  1. ({UP} magic symbol)   if the mana-producing creature is not blue available.


  1. If the mana-producing permanent is not blue, activate
    Unctus, Grand Metatect
    by paying ({UP} magic symbol)  , causing the creature to become a blue artifact in addition to its other types until end of turn.
  2. Activate the creature by tapping it, adding at least ({1} magic symbol)  .
  3. The creature triggers, causing you to loot.
  4. Tolarian Kraken
    Tolarian Kraken
    triggers, causing you to pay ({1} magic symbol)   to untap the mana-producing creature.
  5. Repeat from step 2.


  1. Infinite draw triggers.
  2. Infinite looting.
  3. Infinite self-discard triggers.


  1. In 606 decks according to EDHREC.