Activate Mana Crypt by tapping it, adding ({C} magic symbol) ({C} magic symbol) .
Activate Rusted Slasher by sacrificing Mana Crypt, regenerating Rusted Slasher.
Activate Emry by tapping it, allowing yourself to cast Mana Crypt from your graveyard this turn.
Cast Mana Crypt from your graveyard by paying ({0} magic symbol) .
When you cast Mana Crypt, Mirran Spy triggers, untapping Emry.
Mana Crypt resolves.
Repeat any number of times.
Once you have infinite colorless mana, you may repeat the loop targeting any castable artifact card in your graveyard in step 3 each time.
You may also skip step 2 to leave your artifacts on the battlefield, or you may sacrifice Rusted Slasher in step 2 and recast it in step 4 for infinite ETB, LTB, sacrifice, and death triggers.
Cast all colorless artifacts from your graveyard any number of times.