Combo Search
Combos with "Auriok Bladewarden"
Showing 8 combos with the card "Auriok Bladewarden" (legal:commander has been applied by default)
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Color Identity: W, B
Cards in combo:
Necrotic Ooze
Auriok Bladewarden
Barrenton Medic
+1 other prerequisite
Results in combo:
Infinitely large Necrotic Ooze until end of turn
Color Identity: W, B
Cards in combo:
Necrotic Ooze
Auriok Bladewarden
Cinderhaze Wretch
+1 other prerequisite
Results in combo:
Infinitely large Necrotic Ooze until end of turn
Color Identity: W, B, G
Cards in combo:
Necrotic Ooze
Auriok Bladewarden
Devoted Druid
+1 other prerequisite
Results in combo:
Infinite green mana
Infinitely large Necrotic Ooze until end of turn
Color Identity: R, G, W
Cards in combo:
Mayael's Aria
Auriok Bladewarden
Sword of the Paruns
+1 other prerequisite
Results in combo:
Win the game
Color Identity: R, G, W
Cards in combo:
Mayael's Aria
Auriok Bladewarden
Umbral Mantle
+1 other prerequisite
Results in combo:
Win the game
Color Identity: W, B, G
Cards in combo:
Necrotic Ooze
Tree of Redemption
Phyrexian Colossus
Auriok Bladewarden
+2 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite lifegain
Infinite lifegain triggers
Infinitely large creatures until end of turn
Color Identity: R, G, W, U
Cards in combo:
Mayael's Aria
Auriok Bladewarden
Pemmin's Aura
+2 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Win the game
Color Identity: R, G, W, U
Cards in combo:
Mayael's Aria
Auriok Bladewarden
Freed from the Real
+2 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Win the game
78 combos
78 combos