Combo Search
Combos with "Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad"
Showing 7 combos with the card "Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad" (legal:commander has been applied by default)
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Color Identity: R, W, B
Cards in combo:
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
Port Razer
Roshan, Hidden Magister
+2 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite LTB
Infinite ETB
Infinite combat phases
Infinite untap of creatures you control
Infinite mana creatures you control can produce
Infinite combat damage
+ 6 variants
Color Identity: R, W, B
Cards in combo:
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
Port Razer
Ashes of the Fallen
+3 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite combat damage
Infinite combat phases
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite mana creatures you control can produce
Infinite untap of creatures you control
Color Identity: R, W, B
Cards in combo:
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
Roshan, Hidden Magister
+2 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite LTB
Infinite ETB
Infinite combat phases
Infinite combat damage
+ 5 variants
Color Identity: R, W, B
Cards in combo:
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
Ashes of the Fallen
+3 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite combat damage
Infinite combat phases
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Color Identity: R, W, B
Cards in combo:
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
Éomer, Marshal of Rohan
Goblin Bombardment
Roshan, Hidden Magister
+3 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite LTB
Infinite ETB
Infinite sacrifice triggers
Infinite death triggers
Infinite damage
Infinite combat phases
+ 77 variants
Color Identity: W, U, B, R
Cards in combo:
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
Medomai the Ageless
Roshan, Hidden Magister
+1 other prerequisite
Results in combo:
Infinite extra turns
+ 6 variants
Color Identity: W, U, B, R
Cards in combo:
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
Medomai the Ageless
Ashes of the Fallen
+2 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite extra turns
78 combos
78 combos