Search Results

Showing 10 results for query "Liliana Vess" (legal:commander has been applied by default)

Color Identity: W, U, B

Cards in combo:
Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign
Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign
Liliana Vess
Liliana Vess
Aminatou, the Fateshifter
Aminatou, the Fateshifter
Nexus of Fate
Nexus of Fate
+4 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite turns

Color Identity: W, U, B

Cards in combo:
Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign
Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign
Liliana Vess
Liliana Vess
Venser, the Sojourner
Venser, the Sojourner
Nexus of Fate
Nexus of Fate
+3 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite turns

Color Identity: B, G, U

Cards in combo:
Carth the Lion
Carth the Lion
Liliana Vess
Liliana Vess
Nexus of Fate
Nexus of Fate
Spark Double
Spark Double
Results in combo:
Infinite turns

Color Identity: B, G, U

Cards in combo:
Carth the Lion
Carth the Lion
Liliana Vess
Liliana Vess
Beacon of Tomorrows
Beacon of Tomorrows
Spark Double
Spark Double
Results in combo:
Infinite turns

Color Identity: B, G, U

Cards in combo:
Carth the Lion
Carth the Lion
Liliana Vess
Liliana Vess
Nexus of Fate
Nexus of Fate
Sakashima the Impostor
Sakashima the Impostor
Results in combo:
Infinite turns

Color Identity: B, G, U

Cards in combo:
Carth the Lion
Carth the Lion
Liliana Vess
Liliana Vess
Beacon of Tomorrows
Beacon of Tomorrows
Sakashima the Impostor
Sakashima the Impostor
Results in combo:
Infinite turns

Color Identity: B, G, U

Cards in combo:
Sakashima of a Thousand Faces
Sakashima of a Thousand Faces
Carth the Lion
Carth the Lion
Liliana Vess
Liliana Vess
Nexus of Fate
Nexus of Fate
Results in combo:
Infinite turns

Color Identity: B, G, U

Cards in combo:
Carth the Lion
Carth the Lion
Liliana Vess
Liliana Vess
Beacon of Tomorrows
Beacon of Tomorrows
Helm of the Host
Helm of the Host
+1 other prerequisite
Results in combo:
Infinite turns

Color Identity: B, G, U

Cards in combo:
Sakashima of a Thousand Faces
Sakashima of a Thousand Faces
Carth the Lion
Carth the Lion
Liliana Vess
Liliana Vess
Beacon of Tomorrows
Beacon of Tomorrows
Results in combo:
Infinite turns

Color Identity: B, G, U

Cards in combo:
Carth the Lion
Carth the Lion
Liliana Vess
Liliana Vess
Nexus of Fate
Nexus of Fate
Helm of the Host
Helm of the Host
+1 other prerequisite
Results in combo:
Infinite turns