Search Results

Showing 15 results for query "Juggernaut" (legal:commander has been applied by default)

Color Identity: C

Cards in combo:
Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut
Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut
Genesis Chamber
Genesis Chamber
Mycosynth Golem
Mycosynth Golem
Sculpting Steel
Sculpting Steel
Krark-Clan Ironworks
Krark-Clan Ironworks
+1 other prerequisite
Results in combo:
Infinite commander casts
Infinite creature tokens
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite sacrifice triggers
Infinite storm count

Color Identity: R

Cards in combo:
Elemental Mastery
Elemental Mastery
Galvanic Juggernaut
Galvanic Juggernaut
Goblin Bombardment
Goblin Bombardment
+2 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite creature tokens with haste
Infinite damage
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite sacrifice triggers

Color Identity: C

Cards in combo:
Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut
Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut
Genesis Chamber
Genesis Chamber
Mycosynth Golem
Mycosynth Golem
Sculpting Steel
Sculpting Steel
Ashnod's Altar
Ashnod's Altar
+1 other prerequisite
Results in combo:
Infinite commander casts
Infinite creature tokens
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite sacrifice triggers
Infinite storm count

Color Identity: R

Cards in combo:
Elemental Mastery
Elemental Mastery
Galvanic Juggernaut
Galvanic Juggernaut
+2 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite creature tokens with haste
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite red mana
Infinite sacrifice triggers

Color Identity: G

Cards in combo:
Galvanic Juggernaut
Galvanic Juggernaut
Presence of Gond
Presence of Gond
Ashnod's Altar
Ashnod's Altar
+2 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite colorless mana
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite sacrifice triggers

Color Identity: R

Cards in combo:
Elemental Mastery
Elemental Mastery
Galvanic Juggernaut
Galvanic Juggernaut
Ashnod's Altar
Ashnod's Altar
+2 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite colorless mana
Infinite creature tokens with haste
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite sacrifice triggers

Color Identity: R

Cards in combo:
Elemental Mastery
Elemental Mastery
Galvanic Juggernaut
Galvanic Juggernaut
Spawning Pit
Spawning Pit
+2 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite charge counters on Spawning Pit
Infinite creature tokens with haste
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite sacrifice triggers

Color Identity: G

Cards in combo:
Galvanic Juggernaut
Galvanic Juggernaut
Presence of Gond
Presence of Gond
Phyrexian Altar
Phyrexian Altar
+2 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite colored mana
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite sacrifice triggers

Color Identity: G

Cards in combo:
Galvanic Juggernaut
Galvanic Juggernaut
Presence of Gond
Presence of Gond
Altar of Dementia
Altar of Dementia
+2 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite mill
Infinite sacrifice triggers

Color Identity: R

Cards in combo:
Elemental Mastery
Elemental Mastery
Galvanic Juggernaut
Galvanic Juggernaut
Blasting Station
Blasting Station
+2 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite creature tokens with haste
Infinite damage
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite sacrifice triggers

Color Identity: B, G

Cards in combo:
Zombie Infestation
Zombie Infestation
Kavu Lair
Kavu Lair
Garruk's Packleader
Garruk's Packleader
Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut
Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut
+1 other prerequisite
Results in combo:
Infinite draw triggers
Infinite rummaging
Infinite self-discard triggers
Near-infinite creature tokens
Near-infinite ETB

Color Identity: R

Cards in combo:
Elemental Mastery
Elemental Mastery
Galvanic Juggernaut
Galvanic Juggernaut
Phyrexian Altar
Phyrexian Altar
+2 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite colored mana
Infinite creature tokens with haste
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite sacrifice triggers

Color Identity: B, G

Cards in combo:
Zombie Infestation
Zombie Infestation
Garruk's Uprising
Garruk's Uprising
Garruk's Packleader
Garruk's Packleader
Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut
Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut
+1 other prerequisite
Results in combo:
Infinite draw triggers
Infinite rummaging
Infinite self-discard triggers
Near-infinite creature tokens
Near-infinite ETB

Color Identity: R

Cards in combo:
Elemental Mastery
Elemental Mastery
Galvanic Juggernaut
Galvanic Juggernaut
Altar of Dementia
Altar of Dementia
+2 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite creature tokens with haste
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite mill
Infinite sacrifice triggers
Infinite self-mill

Color Identity: B, G

Cards in combo:
Zombie Infestation
Zombie Infestation
Kavu Lair
Kavu Lair
Garruk's Uprising
Garruk's Uprising
Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut
Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut
+1 other prerequisite
Results in combo:
Infinite draw triggers
Infinite rummaging
Infinite self-discard triggers
Near-infinite creature tokens
Near-infinite ETB