Color Identity: U, R


  1.  All permanents on the battlefield.
  2. You control at least two Servos.
  3. You control at least one additional creature.
  4. ({3} magic symbol)   available.


  1. Activate
    Jason Bright, Glowing Prophet
    Jason Bright
    by paying ({2} magic symbol)   and sacrificing another creature, putting a +1/+1 counter on a creature you control.
  2. Animation Module
    Animation Module
    triggers, causing you to pay ({1} magic symbol)   to create a 1/1 Servo artifact creature token.
  3. When the Servo enters the battlefield,
    Mana Echoes
    Mana Echoes
    triggers, adding ({C} magic symbol)   for each Servo you control.
  4. Repeat.
  5. If you control four or more Servos when
    Mana Echoes
    Mana Echoes
    triggers, this combo nets infinite colorless mana.


  1. Infinite +1/+1 counters.
  2. Infinite colorless mana.
  3. Infinite death triggers.
  4. Infinite ETB.
  5. Infinite LTB.
  6. Infinite sacrifice triggers.


  1. In 0 decks according to EDHREC.