Search Results

Showing 11 results for query "Dune-Brood Nephilim" (legal:commander has been applied by default)

Color Identity: W, U, B, R, G

Cards in combo:
Najeela, the Blade-Blossom
Najeela, the Blade-Blossom
Dune-Brood Nephilim
Dune-Brood Nephilim
Phyrexian Altar
Phyrexian Altar
+3 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite colored mana
Infinite combat damage
Infinite combat phases
Infinite creature tokens
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite lifegain
Infinite lifegain triggers
Infinite LTB
Infinite sacrifice triggers

Color Identity: B, R, G, W

Cards in combo:
Dune-Brood Nephilim
Dune-Brood Nephilim
Aggravated Assault
Aggravated Assault
Phyrexian Altar
Phyrexian Altar
+3 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite colored mana
Infinite combat damage
Infinite combat phases
Infinite creature tokens
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite sacrifice triggers
Infinite untap of creatures you control

Color Identity: B, R, G, W

Cards in combo:
Breath of Fury
Breath of Fury
Dune-Brood Nephilim
Dune-Brood Nephilim
+3 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite combat damage
Infinite combat phases
Infinite creature tokens with haste
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite sacrifice triggers
Infinite untap of creatures you control

Color Identity: B, R, G, W

Cards in combo:
Breath of Fury
Breath of Fury
Dune-Brood Nephilim
Dune-Brood Nephilim
Tuktuk Rubblefort
Tuktuk Rubblefort
+3 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite combat damage
Infinite combat phases
Infinite creature tokens with haste
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite sacrifice triggers
Infinite untap of creatures you control

Color Identity: B, R, G, W

Cards in combo:
Dune-Brood Nephilim
Dune-Brood Nephilim
Hellkite Charger
Hellkite Charger
Phyrexian Altar
Phyrexian Altar
+3 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite colored mana
Infinite combat damage
Infinite combat phases
Infinite creature tokens
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite sacrifice triggers

Color Identity: B, R, G, W

Cards in combo:
Dune-Brood Nephilim
Dune-Brood Nephilim
Hellkite Charger
Hellkite Charger
+3 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite combat damage
Infinite combat phases
Infinite creature tokens
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite red mana
Infinite sacrifice triggers

Color Identity: B, R, G, W

Cards in combo:
Dune-Brood Nephilim
Dune-Brood Nephilim
Aggravated Assault
Aggravated Assault
+3 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite combat damage
Infinite combat phases
Infinite creature tokens
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite red mana
Infinite sacrifice triggers
Infinite untap of creatures you control

Color Identity: B, R, G, W

Cards in combo:
Breath of Fury
Breath of Fury
Dune-Brood Nephilim
Dune-Brood Nephilim
Urabrask the Hidden
Urabrask the Hidden
+3 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite combat damage
Infinite combat phases
Infinite creature tokens with haste
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite sacrifice triggers
Infinite untap of creatures you control

Color Identity: B, R, G, W

Cards in combo:
Breath of Fury
Breath of Fury
Dune-Brood Nephilim
Dune-Brood Nephilim
Concordant Crossroads
Concordant Crossroads
+3 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite combat damage
Infinite combat phases
Infinite creature tokens with haste
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite sacrifice triggers
Infinite untap of creatures you control

Color Identity: B, R, G, W

Cards in combo:
Breath of Fury
Breath of Fury
Dune-Brood Nephilim
Dune-Brood Nephilim
+3 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite combat damage
Infinite combat phases
Infinite creature tokens with haste
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite sacrifice triggers
Infinite untap of creatures you control

Color Identity: B, R, G, W

Cards in combo:
Breath of Fury
Breath of Fury
Dune-Brood Nephilim
Dune-Brood Nephilim
Mass Hysteria
Mass Hysteria
+3 other prerequisites
Results in combo:
Infinite combat damage
Infinite combat phases
Infinite creature tokens with haste
Infinite death triggers
Infinite ETB
Infinite LTB
Infinite sacrifice triggers
Infinite untap of creatures you control