Color Identity: U, B


    Cloud of Faeries
    Cloud of Faeries
    in your graveyard.
  2.  All other permanents on the battlefield.
  3. Coffin Queen
    Coffin Queen
    does not have summoning sickness.
  4. ({2} magic symbol)  .
  5. ({B} magic symbol)   available.


  1. Put Faeries into a graveyard if not already there by casting and/or sacrificing them.
  2. Activate
    Coffin Queen
    Coffin Queen
    targeting Faeries.
  3. When Faeries enter the battlefield, stack the triggers to untap lands first, then untap
    Coffin Queen
    Coffin Queen
    and sacrifice Faeries to Tower while Queen's exile trigger is on the stack.
  4. Repeat from Step 2.
  5. If a land you control (other than Tower) taps for more than one mana, make infinite mana.


  1. Infinite death triggers.
  2. Infinite ETB.
  3. Infinite LTB.
  4. Infinite sacrifice triggers.
  5. Infinite untap of all creatures (including opponents').


  1. In 2 decks according to EDHREC.