Color Identity: G, U


    Scute Swarm
    Scute Swarm
    on the battlefield.
    Exchange of Words
    Exchange of Words
    in hand.
  3. You have a way to cause a land to become a creature.
  4. You have a land card in hand.
  5. You control at least five lands.
  6. ({1} magic symbol)  ({U} magic symbol)  ({U} magic symbol)   available.


  1. Cause a land you control to become a creature.
  2. Cast
    Exchange of Words
    Exchange of Words
    by paying ({1} magic symbol)  ({U} magic symbol)  ({U} magic symbol)  , exchanging the text boxes of the land creature and
    Scute Swarm
    Scute Swarm
  3. Play a land.
  4. The land enters the battlefield, triggering the land creature's
    Scute Swarm
    Scute Swarm
    ability, creating a copy of itself with its original text.
  5. Step 5 repeats in a mandatory loop unless interrupted, drawing the game.


  1. Draw the game.
  2. Infinite ETB.
  3. Infinite landfall triggers.


  1. In 86 decks according to EDHREC.