Color Identity: U, R


    Saheeli's Artistry
    Saheeli's Artistry
    Dualcaster Mage
    Dualcaster Mage
    in hand.
  2. At least one creature on the battlefield under any player's control.
  3. ({5} magic symbol)  ({R} magic symbol)  ({R} magic symbol)  ({U} magic symbol)  ({U} magic symbol)   available.


  1. Cast
    Saheeli's Artistry
    Saheeli's Artistry
    by paying ({4} magic symbol)  ({U} magic symbol)  ({U} magic symbol)  , targeting any creature plus an artifact if possible.
  2. In response, cast
    Dualcaster Mage
    Dualcaster Mage
    by paying ({1} magic symbol)  ({R} magic symbol)  ({R} magic symbol)  .
  3. When
    Dualcaster Mage
    Dualcaster Mage
    enters the battlefield, it triggers, copying
    Saheeli's Artistry
    Saheeli's Artistry
    and choosing
    Dualcaster Mage
    Dualcaster Mage
    (and any artifact if possible) as the new target.
  4. Let the copy of
    Saheeli's Artistry
    Saheeli's Artistry
    resolve, creating a copy of
    Dualcaster Mage
    Dualcaster Mage
    (and any artifact if possible).
  5. Repeat from step 2.


  1. Infinite copies of artifacts.
  2. Infinite creature tokens.
  3. Infinite magecraft triggers.


  1. In 663 decks according to EDHREC.