Color Identity: G, W, U


    Sanctum Weaver
    Sanctum Weaver
    on the battlefield.
    Out of Time
    Out of Time
    Banishing Knack
    Banishing Knack
    in hand.
  3. Sanctum Weaver
    Sanctum Weaver
    does not have summoning sickness.You control at least two additional enchantments, and one additional creature without summoning sickness.
  4. ({1} magic symbol)  ({W} magic symbol)  ({W} magic symbol)  ({U} magic symbol)   available.


  1. Cast
    Banishing Knack
    Banishing Knack
    by paying ({U} magic symbol)  , targeting any other creature you control without summoning sickness.
  2. Cast
    Out of Time
    Out of Time
    by paying ({1} magic symbol)  ({W} magic symbol)  ({W} magic symbol)  .
  3. When
    Out of Time
    Out of Time
    enters the battlefield, it triggers.
  4. Holding priority, activate
    Sanctum Weaver
    Sanctum Weaver
    by tapping it, adding at least ({W} magic symbol)  ({W} magic symbol)  ({W} magic symbol)  ({W} magic symbol)  .
  5. Activate the creature targeted by Retraction Helix by tapping it, returning
    Out of Time
    Out of Time
    from the battlefield to your hand.
  6. Resolve the
    Out of Time
    Out of Time
    trigger, untapping all creatures.
  7. Repeat from step 2.


  1. Infinite colored mana.
  2. Infinite storm count.
  3. Infinite untap of all creatures.


  1. In 1 deck according to EDHREC.