Color Identity: W


    Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward
    Abdel Adrian
    Eldrazi Displacer
    Eldrazi Displacer
    on the battlefield.
  2. Nonland permanent card(s) you own that can produce at least ({3} magic symbol)  ({C} magic symbol)   exiled by
    Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward
    Abdel Adrian
  3. ({2} magic symbol)  ({C} magic symbol)   available.


  1. Activate
    Eldrazi Displacer
    Eldrazi Displacer
    by paying ({2} magic symbol)  ({C} magic symbol)  , blinking
    Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward
    Abdel Adrian
  2. Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward
    Abdel Adrian
    leaves and enters the battlefield, causing all cards exiled with it to return to the battlefield from exile, and triggering
    Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward
    Abdel Adrian
    's enters-the-battlefield ability.
  3. Holding priority, activate the nonland mana-producing permanent(s) by tapping them, adding at least ({3} magic symbol)  ({C} magic symbol)  .
  4. Resolve the
    Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward
    Abdel Adrian
    trigger, exiling the nonland mana-producing permanent(s) and creating that many 1/1 Soldier creature tokens.
  5. Repeat.


  1. Infinite blinking.
  2. Infinite creature tokens.
  3. Infinite ETB.
  4. Infinite LTB.
  5. Infinite mana nonland permanents you control can produce.


  1. In 4194 decks according to EDHREC.