Color Identity: U, R


    Tezzeret the Seeker
    Tezzeret the Seeker
    in your graveyard.
  2.  All other permanents on the battlefield.
  3. Goblin Welder
    Goblin Welder
    does not have summoning sickness.


  1. Activate
    Goblin Welder
    Goblin Welder
    by tapping it, sacrificing
    Second Wind
    Second Wind
    and returning
    Tezzeret the Seeker
    Tezzeret the Seeker
    from your graveyard to the battlefield.
  2. Activate
    Tezzeret the Seeker
    Tezzeret the Seeker
    's first ability by putting a loyalty counter on them, untapping
    Goblin Welder
    Goblin Welder
    and any other nonland permanent.
  3. Activate
    Goblin Welder
    Goblin Welder
    by tapping it, sacrificing
    Tezzeret the Seeker
    Tezzeret the Seeker
    and returning
    Second Wind
    Second Wind
    from your graveyard to the battlefield attached to
    Goblin Welder
    Goblin Welder
  4. Activate
    Second Wind
    Second Wind
    's last ability by tapping it, untapping
    Goblin Welder
    Goblin Welder
  5. Repeat.


  1. Infinite untap of nonland permanents.


  1. In 0 decks according to EDHREC.